When mums were surveyed about how companies engage with them and their online marketing strategy, they received the following results:
– Only 19% believed mums had been involved in the marketing campaigns planning process
– Only 23% were happy with anyone other than their family calling them mum
– 79% bought a product after seeing it recommended on Mumsnet and 80% would look on Mumsnet before buying a product
Top five tips for engaging mums and parents in your online digital marketing:
1. Listen, engage, get to know and understand your audience before you start your marketing campaign.
2. Don’t say your product will make me a better parent, just give a better product.
3. Write genuinely funny or useful content only, entertainment is the key to successful marketing and will catch the eyes of those parents looking for some light relief. It’s fine to entertain them!
4. Help them celebrate the fun times; having fun with kids makes a mum feel like a better parent.
5. Do a good deed in a dark world and tell your brands story.
When marketing to teachers I want to try and build a strong following of loyal teachers who believe in the concept and idea. Hopefully, because the problem that the app will address is a genuine problem in the education system, this will attract teachers who want to do something about it.
Building trust between the teachers, parents and app developers will be vital. Therefore the marketing campaign should be very truthful, recognising the apps limits and boundaries but striving for positivity and ways to conquer the limits.
The advertising and marketing should be broken down into easy definable chunks. Addressing and getting across the main point and aim of the app up front is essential. Once the teachers and parents are invested in the idea the logistics can be focused on. It would be best to advertise the app at teaching fairs and conferences to gain a following life this. The teachers would then provide the connections to parents. Potentially to reach specific specialists, teachers and parents I could reach out to charities that help children with Learning Difficulties or attend charity events and conferences.
So many things that are designed with an educational purpose often fall short at being engaging and aesthetic, they tend to focus on the content side. The content is incredibly important, but it is also important to make sure the design captures the attention of the user and is enjoyable to use.
Marketing Review
‘And So To Bed’ is a bedtime routine app marketed at parents for children. The app uses repetition and visualisation to help children learn a bedtime routine.
The app has a website http://www.paperlyapps.com which explains how the app works and how to play it. It contains screenshots of the app in game to give the user an idea of what to expect. It contains the companies privacy policy and contact details, a blog on the recent news around the app and all of the media that the app has been reviewed on. Having a website that houses all of the most important information about the app is a good marketing technique as this is the first place people will look to find out about the app.
The creator of the app Gwendi Klisa stresses in an interview with the guardian her tips for developing and marketing the perfect app.
“Get people excited about your app, build a landing page and make sure it sees lots of traffic. Collect users’ email addresses and let them know when your app is launching. Blog about your app or open a Vine account and post short videos documenting your progress.”
“Your app is ready. You can’t wait to get it out there. Yet, hold on – don’t throw away the opportunity to aim for the bigger launch. Send the media a preview of your app before it is officially released. Your chance of press coverage has now increased. And you’ll score extra points if you organise an event for your launch.”
The app reached a large number of its target audience through its marketing campaign:
– It was featured in an article on mumsnet http://goo.gl/uD3rdQ
– An interview with the founder of the App Gwendi Klisa by ‘The App Guy’ is available on his podcast http://goo.gl/cpUfcT
– It was also reviewed on several german blogs